Sold! Munich-Neubiberg - Charming 3,5-Room-Apartment with 2 Balkonies
This charming 3,5-room-apartment including a winter garden is part of a residential complex built in 2000/2001 with 76 units. It’s located on the first floor sharing the entrance with 11 other parties.
The complex is in very good shape regarding the out- and indoor area.
The apartment is well light and stands out with its excellent floor plan. It comprises an entrance area, a spacious living-/dining room (which is connected to the wintergarden), a separated kitchen, a children’s room, a bedroom and two bathrooms. Through the living room you are able to reach both balkonies, one facing south the other facing west.
In the cellar you will find your lockable storage room as well as shared bycicle storage areas and a drying room.
The underground parking space is accessible directly from the basement.
Property highlights:
+ spacious rooms
+ excellent floor plan
+ inviting entrance area with plenty of storage room
+ bright living-/dining room with ground level windows/doors
+ spatially separated winter garden
+ 2 deep and covered balkonies south-/west facing
+ cherry wood floor in the living-/dining room and bedroom
+ terracotta coloured tiles in the entrance area, bathrooms and kitchen
+ kitchen accessible through the living room with a fitted kitchen
+ two bathrooms, one of them with daylight and a washing machine connection
+ underground parking space
+ shared drying room, bycicle storage areas
+ quiet green inner courtyard with a playground and areas to enjoy your leisure
+ just 50m to the next bus station with connection to U5 and S7, S-Bahn station „Perlach“ in walking
+ shopping facilities in the near vicinity
ca. living space/usable area:
Living-/Dining room: ca. 28,1 m²
Kitchen: ca. 9,4 m²
Bedroom: ca. 13,9 m²
Children’s room: ca. 12,5 m²
Entrance area: ca. 13,3 m²
Bathroom 1: ca. 6,7 m²
Bathroom 2: ca. 4,1 m²
Winter garden: ca. 10 m²
Balkony south facing: ca. 8 m²
Balkony west facing: ca. 8,6 m²
plus basement storage space
All data/area information in this offer is based on the information and data provided by the seller. Thus Peter Hiersche Immobilien does not take any liability for them.
This apartment is located in the district Unterbiberg which is part of Neubiberg. The resedential complex is next to the Vivamus-park while simultaneously adjoining to a 30 speed zone.
All essential stores are within walking distance or easily reachable by bycicle. You can reach the bus station in 1 Minute and from there it takes no more than 5 minutes to get to the next U-/S-Bahn station. All together around 20 minutes are required to reach the inner city of Munich. Distance to the motorway junction is approximatly one kilometre guaranteeing mobility in all directions.
Kindergarden, childcare center as well as elementary and secondary schools are available. The close enviroment stands out with its extensive offer regarding sports and recreational facilities.
With its approximatly 14.000 residents living on ca. 6 km² Neubiberg and its near vicinity provide all the benefits of living close to nature thus being able to relax easily while still benefiting from great infrastructure.
All data and information in this offer is based on the information and data provided by the seller. Thus Peter Hiersche Immobilien cannot assume any warranty for the correctness, completeness, accuracy and uptodateness of the property data.
Upon conclusion of a purchase contract the buyer has to pay a commission of 2,38% of the purchase price to Peter Hiersche Immobilien.
For further details pls contact me via email or phone.
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