Sold! Munich-Neuhausen - Lovely 2-Room-Apartment

Wohnung EN
Apartment Neuhausen - sold Living room Bedroom Entrance area Kitchen / Dining Bathroom Entrance / stairway Stairway Courtyard west facing Courtyard / garage Exterior east facing Layout

This lovely 2-room-apartment is located on the mezzanine floor of a residential complex with 22 units built in 1955.

The complex is in very good shape regarding the out- and indoor area. Several renovations and modernisations have been carried out in the past. To give a few examples: windows and entrance doors were replaced and the east facing facade was renovated.

The apartment stands out through its excellent floor plan. It comprises an entrance area, a bathroom, a separated kitchen, a living room and a bedroom. All rooms are westfacing to the courtyard excluding the bedroom.

With some time, effort and ideas for redesigning outdated features (e.g. bathroom, floors and electrics) it’s easily possibile to see this become the apartment of your dreams.


Property highlights:

+ exquisite location in one of Munich’s best districts
+ excellent infrastrucutre
+ 7 Minutes to the city centre with public transport
+ all rooms facing west to the courtyard excluding the bedroom
+ separated kitchen
+ individual apartment gas heating system
+ shades
+ private storage room in the basement
+ private garage in the courtyard

ca. living space/usable area:

Living-/dining room: ca. 18,9 m²
Kitchen: ca. 8,2 m²
Bedroom: ca. 16 m²
Entrance area: ca. 5,9 m²
Wardrobe: ca. 1 m²
Bathroom: ca. 3,1 m²

plus basement strorage room


The apartment is located in the centre of Neuhausen right next to the Rotkreuzplatz.

This location stands out through its great infrastructure. Short distances to retail stores, medical care, banks and other facilities make everyday life easier and thus giving you more time to enjoy your leisure. Additionally a big variety of restauraunts are in walking distance.

The Nymphenburger Schlosspark and the Hirschgarten provide amazing possibilities to spend your free time and relax. Both are easily reachable by foot or with a bycicle within just a few minutes.

Regarding public transportation the U1 takes you to the city centre in only 7 minutes.

Even though this apartment is part of Munich’s inner city and provides you with everything you could wish for right infront your doorstep it is still very quiet due to the fact that it’s facing into the courtyard.

The perfect balance between living downtown and next to recreational areas.


All data and information in this offer is based on the information and data provided by the seller.  Thus Peter Hiersche Immobilien cannot assume any warranty for the correctness, completeness, accuracy and uptodateness of the property data.

Upon conclusion of a purchase contract the buyer has to pay a commission of 1,785 % of the purchase price to Peter Hiersche Immobilien.

For further details pls contact me via email or phone.


Verkauf - Wohnen
80634 München
53 m²
Lage im Gebäude
mezzanine floor
1,785 % incl. VAT inkl. MwSt
Courtage Details
Buyer commission


158,2 kWh/(m²*a)
Befeuerungsart / wesentliche Energieträger
Erdgas schwer
ab 01. Mai 2014
Baujahr der Anlage

Ihr Ansprechpartner

Peter Hiersche



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Wohnung EN